Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Factual things you do not know about Premium Fallkniven S1x Survival Knife?

Fallkniven X – series and is among the most impressive knives which were released last year i.e. 2019. Its virtually indestructible knife as per its material perfection by human hands. The basis of Fallkniven x series knives lies in its blade material which is laminated cobalt steel (Lam.Cos). They are detailed thought out knives made to stand all roughness and hard beatings yet perform in all conditions. I have thoroughly and roughly gave it a beating and you will read and see it to with me as you read along.

Fallkniven S1X or its variant Fallkniven S1XB (which is DLC Coated) are from Fallkniven x series popular for world’s most impressive knives. Both these knives have been released last year in 2019. As per Fallkniven company, S1X is virtually indestructible during human use no matter what you do with this survival knife it has very high level of edge retention.

We will be discussing the beating given to it by Best Knives reviews website where they have placed so many pictures of Fallkniven S1X review. During Fallkniven S1XB review, they have discussed its technical specifications and test the knife’s durability to its limits.

Actually Lam.Cos material which is a blend of HC420J2 Stainless Steel and Cobalt, making the knife extra strong and up to 20% more durable in use. Furthermore, it’s a drop point blade and it turns out to be a superb survival knife by every mean. We always want or recommend drop point blades because they provide enough room for cutting hard wood and other objects while with material at its tip and belly helps maintaining its shape.

In Fallkniven S1X Review it’s been mentioned the importance of Thermorun material. Actually, DEET is a substance used in mosquito repellents and US Marines and NAVY uses mosquito repellents in the field. DEET has a special solvent property through it dissolves most of the know plastics and polymers but, Thermorun has very high resistant to it. Secondly, best feature of Thermorun is its softness just like leather, Micarta etc. therefore, it’s been used there as well.

They have beaten the knife to its limited under their review and in the end when they washed their Fallkniven S1xB it turns clear and nothing has happened. They explained in their Fallkniven S1x and S1XB review that it’s because of DLC coating which has HRC rating of 83 whereas Lam.Cos material which is above mentioned for its toughness and hardness has HRC rating of 60 only. Thus the DLC coating on the Fallkniven S1XB remains the way it came from factory.

That is why Fallkniven knives are so popular and expensive. It’s because of quality they provide and though out designs they create. I personally liked the Fallkniven S1XB Review and based on it will be buying it soon.

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